Audi Q7 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q7: General information

  • Park the vehicle as far as possible from moving traffic in the event of a breakdown. In the event of a flat tire, park the vehicle on a level surface.
    If you are on a steep hill, be especially careful.
  • Set the parking brake.
  • Switch the emergency flashers on.
  • Have the passengers exit the vehicle. They should move to a safe place, for example behind a guard rail.


Follow the steps given above. This is for your protection and the for the safety of others on the road.


Vehicle tool kit, tire mobility kit, and vehicle jack

Applies to: vehicles with the vehicle tool kit, tire mobility kit, and vehicle jack

Fig. 174 Luggage compartment: cargo area floor
Fig. 174 Luggage compartment: cargo area floor

The vehicle tool kit, vehicle jack, tire mobility kit, and compressor are stored in the luggage compartment under the cargo floor > fig. 174.


The vehicle jack* does not require any maintenance.


     Tire mobility kit

    Preparation Applies to: vehicles with tire mobility kit Read and follow the important safety precautions. Set the parking brake. Select the "P" selector lever position. Check if a repair with the

     Repairing tires

    Applies to: vehicles with tire mobility kit Fig. 176 Components of the tire mobility kit Fig. 177 Tire mobility kit connection Requirement: the tire mobility kit must be laid out and ready for use

     Replacing wheels

    Preparation You must complete the preparation before changing a tire. Read and follow the important safety precautions. Set the parking brake. Select the "P" selector lever position. When towing


     Evaporator, Removing and Installing

      Note The removed evaporator contains refrigerant oil that must be returned to the refrigerant circuit (with the new evaporator). Refer to → Refrigerant R134a Servicing; Rep. Gr.87; Refrigerant Circuit Components, Replacing. Removing - Remove the rear heater and A/C

     Exhaust Manifold

    Overview - Exhaust Manifold 1 - Nut Replace after removing Coat the thread with hot bolt paste. Refer to the Parts Catalog. Tightening specification and sequence: left. Refer to → Fig. "Left Exhaust Manifold - Tightening Specification and Sequence", right → Fig. "Righ

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