General Information
The specified values apply to all engine versions.
Front/rear track width only applies to 255/65R18 tires on 8Jx18
Track widths change when usin
Shock Absorber Leaks
Vehicles with Coil Springs
Shock Absorbers are frequently rejected and exchanged
because of leaks. Examinations on the test stand and on the
vehicle have shown that the replacem
Tests and Test Requirements
Special tools and workshop equipment
Brake Servo Tester -VAS6721-
The following checks will be helpful when performing Fault
Finding in case of complaints regarding the brake booster or the
so-called "hard brake pedal".
The following components are included
Overview - Parallel Parking Assist
1 - Left Front Parallel Parking Assistance Sensor -G568-
Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Front Sensor, Removing and Installing".
2 - Right Front Parallel Parking Assistance Sensor -G569-
Removing and installing. Refer