Audi Q7 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q7: Supercharger, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Hose Clamps - Up To 25 mm -3094-
  • Engine Bung Set -VAS6122-
  • Container of the Coolant Collection System -VAS5014- or the Shop Crane - Drip Tray -VAS6208-
  • Hose Clip Pliers -VAS6362-


This procedure contains mandatory replaceable parts. Refer to component overview prior to starting procedure.

Mandatory Replacement Parts

  • O-rings - Intermediate Flange



  • Follow the guidelines for clean working conditions. Refer to → Chapter "Guidelines for Clean Working Conditions".
  • Before testing or performing a repair, check all air duct pipes and hoses and vacuum lines for leaks and secure seating.

- Remove the supercharger ribbed belt. Refer to → Chapter "Ribbed Belt, Removing and Installing, Supercharger Ribbed Belt".

- Disconnect the coolant hoses -2- with Hose Clamps up to 25 mm Diameter -3094-.

- Remove the bolt -1-.

- Remove the reinforcement brace. Refer to → Body Exterior; Rep. Gr.50; Lock Carrier; Overview - Lock Carrier.

- Remove the engine cover. Refer to → Chapter "Engine Cover, Removing and Installing".


- Place the container of the Coolant Collection System -VAS5014- or the Shop Crane - Drip Tray -VAS6208- underneath.

- Loosen the hose clamps -1- and remove the coolant hoses from the coolant pipes on the supercharger.

- Remove the bolt -2- and push the coolant pipe to the side.


- Disconnect the connectors -1 and 2-.


Ignore -3-.


- Disconnect the connector -1- from the EVAP Canister Purge Regulator Valve 1 -N80-.

- Remove the vacuum hose -2- by pressing the release buttons on both sides.

- Disengage the EVAP Canister Purge Regulator Valve 1 -N80- from the bracket free it up and move to the side with the hoses connected.


- Remove the vacuum hose -1- from the resonator -3-.

- Loosen the hose clamp -2- and remove the resonator.


Ignore the -arrow-.


- Disconnect the connector -arrow- from the Throttle Valve Control Module -J338-.


- Disconnect the connector -arrow- on the Regulating Flap Control Unit -J808-.


- Disconnect the connectors -1-.


Mark the vacuum hoses for reinstallation.

- Disconnect the vacuum hoses -4- and the vacuum line -3-.

- Disconnect the vacuum hose -2- free up and move to the side.


- Release the catches in direction of -arrow- and push the wiring duct -1- to the rear.


- Disconnect the connector -1-.

- Remove the crankcase ventilation valve -3- from the bracket.

- Disconnect the connector -2- on the Intake Air Temperature Sensor -G42-/ Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor -G71-.


- Disconnect the connectors -1 and 2- and free up the wire.

- Remove the nuts -arrows- and compressor with charge air cooler upward and at the same time pay attention to the clearance of the bypass valve.

- Seal off the opening on the supercharger and on the charge air circuit with plugs from the Engine Bung Set -VAS6122- or with clean cloths.

- Remove the noise insulation.



Install in reverse order of removal and note the following:


  • Replace the seals and O-ring after removal.
  • Only remove the plugs or caps just before installing the respective lines.
  • Secure all hose connections with hose clamps that match the ones used in series production. Refer to the Parts Catalog.

- Install the noise insulation.

- Make sure the crankcase ventilation connection -1- is installed correctly when installing the supercharger. Refer to → Fig. "Crankcase Ventilation Connection, Installing".

- Install the left front coolant pipes. Refer to → Chapter "Front Left Coolant Pipes, Removing and Installing".

- Connections and wire routing. Refer to → Wiring diagrams, Troubleshooting & Component locations.

- Install the supercharger ribbed belt. Refer to → Chapter "Ribbed Belt, Removing and Installing, Supercharger Ribbed Belt".


Used coolant cannot be used again.

- Fill with coolant.

Tightening Specifications

  • Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Supercharger"
  • Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Charge Air Hose Connections"
  • Refer to → Body Exterior; Rep. Gr.50; Lock Carrier; Overview - Lock Carrier.

Supercharger, Checking for Leaks

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Turbo System Tester Kit - VAG1687-Turbo System Tester Kit Adapter 4 - VAG1687/4-, Turbo System Tester Kit - Adapter 10 -VAG1687/10-, Turbo System Tester Kit - Adapter 13-1 -VAG1687/13-1- and Turbo System Tester Kit - Adapter 13-2 -VAG1687/13-2-


  • Supercharger secured on the Engine and Gearbox Bracket -VAS6095A- for the leak test. Refer to → Chapter "Supercharger, Securing to Engine/Transmission Holder for Repair Work".
  • Regulating Flap Control Unit -J808- is installed. Refer to → Chapter "Regulating Flap Control Unit -J808-, Removing and Installing".

- Secure the Turbo System Tester Kit - Adapter 13-1 -VAG1687/13-1- on the bottom of the supercharger housing.

- Secure the hose connections with hose clamps.


The supercharger is illustrated without the transmission holder.


- Secure the Turbo System Tester Kit - Adapter 13-4 -VAG1687/13-4- on the top of the supercharger housing.

- Secure the hose connections with hose clamps.


- Secure the Turbo System Tester Kit - Adapter 13-2 -VAG1687/13-2- with Turbo System Tester Kit - Adapter 10 -VAG1687/10- to the supercharger housing.

- Secure the hose connections with hose clamps.


Prepare the Turbo System Tester Kit -VAG1687- as follows:

- Completely remove the pressure regulating valve -2- and close the valves -3- and -4-.

  • Pull the knob in order to rotate the pressure regulating valve.


- Connect the Turbo System Tester Kit -VAG1687- as illustrated, to the compressed air using a commercially available intermediate piece -1-.


- If there is water in the viewing glass, open the water drain plug -6- and drain the water.

- Open the valve -3-.


There is a risk of damage if the pressure is set too high.

The pressure must not exceed 0.5 bar (7.2 psi)!

- Set the pressure to 0.5 bar (7.2 psi) using the pressure regulating valve -2-.

- Open the valve -4- and wait until the test circuit is filled. Regulate the pressure to 0.5 bar (7.2 psi) again if required.

- Closes the valve -3-.

  • The drop in pressure must not exceed 0.1 bar (1.45 psi) in 30 seconds.

- Inspect the charge air system for poorly sealed areas by listening, feeling, using commercially available leak detection spray or by using the Ultrasonic Tester -VAG1842S-.


  • Refer to the Owner's Manual for information on using the Ultrasonic Tester -VAG1842S-.
  • Release the pressure in the test circuit by removing the hose coupling before removing the adapter.



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